configuration usage

Basic Usage

usage: pykwiki [-h] [-b BASE_PATH] [-c CONFIG_FILE]
               {new,index,cache,info,theme} ...

positional arguments:
    new                 create a new project
    index               build the search index
    cache               cache and index posts
    info                display PyKwiki information
    theme               control built-in themes

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BASE_PATH, --base-path BASE_PATH
                        the base directory to operate on, defaults to current
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        full path to configuration YAML file to load

Cache posts

Quick caching

Quick caching only changes the content of your pages. It does not rebuild the search index, post lists (/posts.html), cache uploads, or build the site menu.

$ pykwiki -c /path/to/my/config.yaml cache -q

Forced caching

Forced caching without the -q flag rebuilds everything. It caches all posts, uploads, menus, and theme templates.

$ pykwiki -c /path/to/my/config.yaml cache -f

Forced caching with the -q flag caches every post, but it skips the search index, uploads, and theme files.

$ pykwiki -c /path/to/my/config.yaml cache -qf

Smart caching

Using the cache command by itself causes PyKwiki to attempt to detect changes and rebuild what is necessary to update your site. It rebuilds menus if links.yaml has been modified, it caches theme files if it detects at least one updated post, and it caches all modified posts.

$ pykwiki -c /path/to/my/config.yaml cache

Install themes

To install any of the Themes included in the PyKwiki distribution, run the following command:

$ pykwiki -c /path/to/my/config.yaml theme install <theme name>